Thursday, April 30, 2009

Market trends 0.000.001: LEE

How do consumers learn about product availability/features? This seems to be the hottest question this summer. And I believe the answer is two-fold. Advertising, and the actual product itself (packaging etc)


1: Advertising.

Without advertising the consumer would have almost no way of  knowing of the product exists unless they stumble upon it by accident. Advertising ranges from television ads, billboards,  magazines, flags, posters radio, etc, etc. An advertisement is basically a promotional item used to arouse the interest of  the consumer and get them to make a purchase an ad is designed to make the consumer believe that the product is THE only product they should be buying and sometimes bends the truth to make their product more desirable.


2: Product packaging, and such.

            Another large part of consumer awareness is the product itself. If a consumer walks past a product, the product wants to look attractive and eye catching so the consumer will stop, and take a peek at the product, and if all goes well and the consumer approves, a purchase is made.


And that ladies and gentlemen, is how consumers learn about product availability in a nutshell.

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